Rock the Shot July Photo Challenge: Day at the Beach
Thought I'd enter this image into the Rock the Shot photo challenge for July!
( I'd enter this image into the Rock the Shot photo challenge for July!
( could seriously photograph newborns every single day of the week. Little Miss Harper was the sweetest little peanut!! She is so precious and has the most PERFECT little lips! I just loved working with her and her beautiful mama!
Labels: Newborns
I just adore this cute family! I believe this is the 4th time I've had the privilege of capturing their sweet faces on camera :o) They have such a FUN sense of style! And talk about CUTE Kiddos!!
Tiff's Mom came along to help out, so we made her get in a few. I just think she is one of the "hippest" grandma's I've ever met! She's darling!!
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It's hard to believe that my baby turned 7 years old last week. He was pretty spoiled this year and got a new motorcycle for his birthday, so naturally I had to get some pictures of him with it :o)
These 2 are my favorite boys ever!! Keat and his Daddy!
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